
Programming Journal

Hello! I’m Theo Lemay, and this is my digital programming journal for the 2020/2021 Change Up season.

My primary role on the team is to design driver controls, design autonomous motion control algorithms, and design and develop autonomous skills routines. I also assist with building and driving.

This season, I have invested the majority of my time on three major tasks:

Programming Skills

  • Design and implement a programming skills run that is consistent and fast.

Programming Skills

Intake Control

  • Develop an intuitive and versatile driver control scheme for the robot intakes that make it easy to drive.
  • Implement a statemachine controller that combines driver and sensor input to achieve smooth and intuitive ball handling.
  • Use sensors to automate features like autopooping, which is the automatic disposal of unwanted balls.

Intake Control

Motion Control

  • Develop smooth, repeatable, and powerful motion algorithms, for fast and optimal navigation during autonomous.
  • Use sensors to improve reliability, like localization, vision seeking, and velocity control.

Motion Control

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