
Hood Changes - February 26, 2021

Saywer McClellan

New Hood

The original hood that put compression on the ball to shoot but was not very secure, so we changed the hood to a more solid position. The hood is attached with a hinge and has a solid stop place which in theory should help shoot better.

Hood Problems

When we remade it we made it have less compression on the ball since the made the shooting roller have more speed and less strength. We had some issues getting the right compression to be able to shoot fast enough but not to much that it would get jammed. We tried a few different thing to try to solve it like bending down the hood to increase compression and lowering the amount of elastics on the roller but it wasn’t working.

Then we had the idea of taking a slow-mo video of the robot shooting. We saw in the video the ball didn’t have enough compression at th bottom of the hood so it was not getting launched as far as it should.

To solve this we moved the hole hood forward and bent back the hood so it had more compression at the bottom an the same at the top. The reason just bending the hood didn’t work was that it didn’t change the compression at the bottom where the problem was

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