Driver Skills - January 28, 2021
First ideas
Our plan for a starting score is to be able to get one red ball in each goal and only get out necessary blue balls. We did this to get a high score without having to do as much scoring. By not scoring multiple balls in each goal which would seem more efficient we got combo points which are worth a lot more.
The combos are worth six points each and with there being eight combos they are worth th majority of points. Since we didn’t have enough time to score all the balls the easiest way to get a high score is to get combos. By only taking out one blue ball in th center and putting one red in each goal the score is already 106.
We managed to score 112 driving score using this and getting a few extra balls scored.
For the next competition we used dual controllers so that one could drive and score and the other could try to take out the blue balls from the goals to increase the score we also tried to go for scoring a few extra red balls. With these changes we managed to score 117 points at the next competition.
Ideas with robot v2
With the faster speeds of the new robot we started trying for a full score driving run but since it wasn’t perfected so we only got 120 at the next competition. One thing that helped a lot was adding the deflector since it made it much easier to score the centre goal. We changed it to have auto pooping to get rid of the balls instead of dual controllers for a more consistent removal of balls.
After more driving practice and perfecting the robot we were able to get up to 124 but we only got 122 at competition but it was still enough to win our local competition.
Robot v3/World plan
With the rebuild of the intakes so that they can intake out of the centre we save a lot of time. Before th rebuild we had to spend a lot of time poking out the blue balls from the centre. Now with the rebuild we can go in and take out the blues and put in the re in a smooth motion which is muh more efficient.
We also decided to go back to using dual controllers so that we an specifically control where we get rid of the blue balls so that we can stick to a more controlled plan so that we know what to go for which helped us streamline the run and give us a faster run.
We have done we have already got a full score of 126 in practice with very little driving practice and we hope to be able to get a pretty good stop time.